Tokyo Therapy & Wellness Center







小島 ベレ セバスチャン


オステオパシー施術師小島 ベレ セバスチャンは1991年パリで生まれた。



  • 2017年 パリにあるHolistea College Osteopathique Europeenを卒業 (フランスの厚生省と文部省から認められた資格でRNCPのlevel1に登録されている。)
  • 2017年 小児患者施術資格取得
  • 2017年 複数のスポーツイベントで経験を積む ピレリモーターバイクイベントとEDHECセーリング大会
  • 2018年 東京 新宿でオステオジャパンを設立
  • 2018年 在日フランス商工会議所メンバー
  • 2019年 All France Rugby club と提携(専属のオステオパシー施術師として従事)



セルヴェル • ジュリアン


セルヴェル • ジュリアン、1984年にフランス・ストラスブールに生まれ、


  • 2009年 プロヴァンス・オステオパシー学校(厚生省によって設立されたフランス・マルセイユにある専門学校)卒業
  • 2009年 小児患者施術資格取得
  • 2008年 トゥーロンラグビーチーム(ヨーロッパチャンピオンにて3回輝いた成績のあるチーム)にて専属のオステオパシーとして従事
  • 2008年〜2018年 フランス・ストラスブールにて開業
  • 2015年〜2018年 ストラスブールオステオパシー学校(COS)講師
  • 2009年〜 フランスオステオパシー協会(ROF)会員
  • 2018年〜 日本オステオパシー協会(JOF)会員
  • 2018年 在日フランス商工会議所メンバー



平野 香世子





• 2017年 一般社団法人 日本肥満予防健 康協会 肥満予防健康管理士資格を取得
• 2017年 ダイエット教室 YakuZen開業
• 2019年 肥満サミット、基調講演者
• 2019年 Women Economic Forumの地 方支部会長

詳しくはこちら: FaceBook page 


allfrance rugby


  • Excellent osteopathy treatment which quickly helped my back problems. The two osteopaths use different approaches and complement each others very well. I have had similar treatments in the past and would like to praise their professional approach and effective work. I strongly recommend the clinic.

    J P Avatar J P

    In Tokyo for business and my sciatica flared up. Three nights of terrible sleep and so I decided to find a physio in Tokyo. I found these guys by chance on Google. My first time seeing an Osteopath. I instantly felt better. Frankly, I find the process and the team at Maison Okada far more effective than a physio. I feel great after just one session. Would highly recommend!

    Damien Bell Avatar Damien Bell

    Excellent service and professionalism. They were able to fix one my issue long lasting sport injury from the first appointment. Highly recommend.

    ben p Avatar ben p
  • Sebastian and Julien are very experienced osteopath practitioners providing excellent explanation and communication from booking to practice and aftercare advice. Highly recommended. Thanks guys 🙏🏼

    Adam Moses Avatar Adam Moses

    I heard about Tokyo Therapy & Wellness Center by chance through a friend. I'd been looking for an English speaking osteopath but couldn't find one easily. Sebastien and Julien were incredibly friendly and made me feel comfortable and relaxed throughout both my appointments; talking me through everything they were doing. This was very reassuring, especially as I'd never been to an osteopath before! I'd definitely recommend them to anyone looking for an osteopath in Tokyo.

    freya jones Avatar freya jones

    I can not recommend it enough!! I felt so much better after the first treatment! Earlier this year I gave birth and my body was in pain all the time. After going to the 4 Hands Osteopathy my joints were even better than before. I have more energy and I started to do my workout routines again. My baby was also checked and he was more calm and relaxed afterwards! It is good for mum and baby!! Thank you again for helping me and my baby!!

    sandra nägele Avatar sandra nägele
  • Sebastien and Julien are very professionals. I have been totally satisfied. The communication was easy and the manipulation smooth. All my different pains have been resolved thanks to them. I highly recommand their method.

    Nicolas Turchi Avatar Nicolas Turchi

    I’ve seen many chiropractors, physiotherapists, and osteopaths in Australia, but nothing compares to Japan Osteopathy Tokyo Therapy & Wellness. The two practitioners really know what they’re doing. I feel a painless relief from the chronic pain I’ve had for 7 years. I only wish I lived closer.

    Leng Ngo Avatar Leng Ngo

    You feel the benefits right away! I would consider myself quite active, exercising 5 to 6 times a week. Recently, I became very mindful of injury prevention and proper body alignment. I spent several months visiting different specialists (chiropractor, sports massage) which were all quite good, however, my Osteopathy session at Tokyo Therapy & Wellness Center was exactly what I needed. Was most impressed by how quickly they were able to identify any abnormalities in my body. They were then able to conduct the necessary treatment to fix all of my imbalances. I say “they” because the treatment consists of two specialists attending to you at once. A first for me — was very effective. With no exaggeration, I felt the benefits from the moment I stepped off of the massage table. My whole body felt lighter, my joints were balanced and in-sync. Very happy to have found this type of treatment in Tokyo. Highly recommended!

    Pat McD Avatar Pat McD
  • An amazing osteopathy experience! 4 hands, because both Julien and Sebastien will provide treatment at the same time. One with a rather structural approach and the other with a more fluid/muscular approach to the different problems your body may have. They speak fluent English, French and Japanese.

    Xavier Lochu Avatar Xavier Lochu

    Julien and Sebastian are excellent! I had hip pain for over a year after the birth of my son. They new exactly what to do and now the pain is gone and i feel comfortable in my own body again. I highly recommend. :)

    Yesenia Garcia Avatar Yesenia Garcia

    SÉBASTIEN and JULIEN were lifesavers. I had tense muscles exacerbated by a pre-existing condition and travel stress, so I looked online for somewhere to get relief. They were highly recommended, so I took the chance and was very happy I did. I’ll definitely return if I’m ever in the city again.

    Colin Thomas Avatar Colin Thomas
  • Julien and Sebastien are very professional and efficient osteopaths. I have tried a dozen osteopaths, and they do some of the best work I have ever had. I tried their four hands service recently and I couldn't believe how well they worked in harmony with their different skillsets and expertise. I highly recommend them and if you book with them, you will feel better!

    Laura Gainche Avatar Laura Gainche

    Perfect, Professional services that come just in time THANKS !!

    Ben Hubert Avatar Ben Hubert